Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Joy of Learning

Just about everyday, I am privileged to see the amazing act of learning and the pure joy it brings when it is achieved. When you read that opening line, you may have assumed I was only talking about students. More than ever before, I see this learning in teachers. With better understanding of how the brain learns, and with increased access to technology that brings relevance into the classroom, it is an incredible time to be an educator. There is so much to learn--things that will make our classrooms more engaging, rigorous, relevant--that it can be overwhelming. Yet, what I see is teachers observing and learning from each other. I see a spark as teachers think, "how could I use that technology or strategy in my classroom?" I hear excitement when teachers let me know something they are trying in a lesson and ask me to come see it. The truth is, none of that learning takes place unless we do what we tell our students to do, take risks, learn from mistakes, collaborate, reflect, and keep learning!

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