Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Getting Uncomfortable

Over the past few years, I have challenged myself and others to take risks in their learning, teaching, and leading. That said, starting a blog as a way to foster my own professional reflection and growth has been something that I have been considering for quite some time. What has been holding me back? I just cannot seem to get comfortable with the idea of posting my thoughts in more than 140, or now 280 (Thank you, Twitter) characters. Perhaps, as a former math teacher, I hold in high regard the beauty of simplifying things to their most pure and succinct form. Or maybe I find intimidating the thought of writing and expanding my thoughts on topics in education for anyone and everyone to see. Driving home from school yesterday, I heard myself thinking... "reflection leads to deeper learning and discourse leads to innovation." It was more than a thought. It was a belief statement. A declaration. So today is the day... It is time to share some thought provoking thoughts. It is time to get uncomfortable in the name of deeper learning and innovation.